Thursday, November 8, 2007


This area is reserved for whatever comments you have about the project. We will do our best to respond to comments in a timely manner. Every comment WILL be responded to. This allows you to post comments on topics that don't have a blog already created, if appropriate we will then create a blog posting.

When leaving a comment please add your distributor name at the end of your comment, if we need to contact your regarding your comment we will know where to reach you. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

I've had several issues with the wireless connection being dropped during the TCOM process which creates problems. I would recommend everyone setting up the docking system to the computer for those times you have problems, this will allow you to quickly get the download completed and trucks on the road. Emily can walk you through the process VERY easily. Don’t wait till you have problems to do this. (Speaking from experience) Hope this helps Metro Milwaukee

Anonymous said...

Has Anyone else noticed that when your head to a dealer off Route, clicking on the hot shot button before you create a ticket doesn't result in the check mark showing up?

We were asked to make sure everything of route was marked as a hot shut but when i click on the radio button for the check mark it briefly shows up then is gone.

One other thing to note. If you start a new ticket and change an existing consignment amount by changing the number on the far left where it shows how many are currently consigned, then cancel the ticket and start a new one, it will show that the consignment is equal to whatever you changed it to. I found later though that it doesn't actually change it.

For instance I had 2 mt-51 on consignment and changed it to 1, then canceled the ticket and started again. The second time I started a new ticket it showed that there was only 1 mt-51 on consignment. Thinking this was an error I added 1 to the consignment making it 2 again. The next week i went back to the same dealer and now it shows they have 3 mt-51's on consignment.

Emily said...

The IOT Support Staff agrees that there are issues when canceling a ticket and those issues are being addressed in the new ticket function application we are working on. The New Ticket Function application will address memory issues (so you won't have to reboot your handheld all the time) and the speed of the application (less time waiting between clicks).

As for the hotshot issue, we are having trouble reproducing this issue. Anyone else having the same problem?

Emily- IOT Support

craig said...

4. When doing dodds it would be helpful to be able to enter all the
different po's for one customer at one time then have the customer be able to sign one time on the screen. Because us rms having to enter one po at a time then have the dealer sign over and over with
multiple po's makes the customer frustrated having to stop their duties to sign our handheld over and over.

craig said...

5. My handheld will drop or change it's time and date when downloaded.
The battery is never low because I
plug it back up to a/c after every

hopefully this little information
will help you help us. I am sure I
left out as much as I listed.

Craig Nobling
IBS Raleigh/Durham

Emily said...


Here are some answers in response to your posts.

#4. We definitely see your point on this issue. My programmers struggled on the design of this section. Since it's a different ticket number for each PO by law we have to have a signature for each individual ticket.

How were the signatures on the paper tickets of the old handhelds handled?

#5. I need a little more information to determine what is going on here. When your handheld changes it's time and date, what does it change it to? Also what do you mean by it "drops" the time and date?

Emily - IOT Support

Maine said...

Our RSM's are having trouble using the bar code scanners while in cust. garages.
Is anyone else noticing this?
Bob IBS maine

Anonymous said...

Still having problems with battery not holding charge long enough for the day

Emily said...

To: Anonymous
Are you using the new "blue tab" batteries? If you are please contact me regarding your battery issues. We would like to address your issues and deal with it ASAP.

To: Everyone
We would like to address everyone's post, but if you post anonymously we do not know who to reply to. Thanks everyone!

Anonymous said...

I have a problem with the close out dealer report, it does not show the dealer information on the bottom. Is there something we are not doing correctly to have the dealer information appear at the bottom? Thank you.

IBS of California Coast

Emily said...

You aren't doing anything wrong on your close out dealer report. I ran a couple of tests here and got the same results. Billy and Phil are going to fix this issue ASAP. Thanks for letting us know! :)

Emily- IOT Support

Anonymous said...

We have also had the date/time problem. It seems like it happens after rebooting following the Up/Download process. We have also had the unit plugged in all night.

As to the earlier question about multiple DODDs using paper tickets, we used to print out the multiple invoices at one time, then go in and have everything signed at one time.

Also, is there any way to print a truck load if it has been "saved to memory card" (I think that is what is said)? This has usually happened when the printer loses its connection to the handheld.

Tom Salisbury
IBS of Great Lakes

Emily said...

There has been a new blog posted walking you through how to print a truck load report once it has been saved to the storage card. Please let me know if you have any more questions about this issue.

Thank you for answering my previous question about DODD's.

Your handhelds should not be losing the date and time after and upload/download, there is nothing in the code that would cause it to do that. The only time we have seen the handhelds lose the date and time is when they go dead. The date and time resetting itself is also a different issue than the handheld going back to the initial TCOM info screen. Can you please give me a little more info on how often this happens and when you figure out it has happened? Thanks!

Emily- IOT Support

Anonymous said...

As for the changing of the date and time issue, I have that happen quite often. It does seem to happen sometime over night. I download my handhelds and put them on the charger over night and the next day the date is starting at the first of the year.

Along with this problem they are also resetting their invoice numbers randomly which creates even more of a problem than the invoice date. This seems to also happen sometime in the middle of the night. Any ideas?

IBS of the North Bay

Emily said...


The ticket numbers get reset when there is an issue with the upload/download, unfortunately with all of the network issues people are having sometimes you don’t know that the download didn’t finish until RMSII is started back up.

When the driver opens RMS they will get the initial TCOM info screen that asks for their truck # and next ticket #, if they try to bypass that screen it will revert the ticket numbers back to a default # causing tickets in the upload in Jericho to renumber. Tell your drivers if they get the initial TCOM info screen to call me and we can fix it as long as they are still at the warehouse.

I have been recommending to everyone that is handling uploads/downloads that when they are finished and the handheld reboots, click on RMSII and make sure you get to the password screen this will let you know if there were any problems with the upload/download.

I will be sending out a document for everyone to post in the break room pertaining to the initial TCOM Screen.

As for the date reverting back, we cannot get this issue to duplicate here while we are testing. Select few sites have complained about this but the only time we have seen this happen is when the handheld goes dead. Next time you get a handheld that does this please call me ASAP so we can trouble shoot some scenarios!

Emily- IOT Support

Anonymous said...

Not sure what can be done about this, but we are having an issue with the invoices' printed numbers. In particular, the 5 is constantly perceived as a 6, and dealers are subsequently putting the amounts intheir computers incorrectly.

IBS of Great Lakes

Emily said...

This is an issue the guys and I have reviewed multiples times. It will be addressed, but they want to complete the big update they are working on before they move on. The current project is a complete overhaul of the ticket functions part of RMS which hopefully will be complete in a month or so. This update will increase the response time of the handheld when flipping between screens, it will also help with memory management. Let me know if you have any other issues and concerns that need to be addressed.

Emily- IOT Support

Anonymous said...

Interstate Batteries Phoenix East Valley 4587
Karen Nechville & Rachel English

IOT RMS Handheld Blogs 6/17/08
Brandon: T-04

-Transfers screens faster
-Faster when programming adjustments (mostly)
-Pick ticket printouts

-The first adjustment of the day causes the handheld to freeze up completely
-Handheld now has more errors than ever
-Most errors kick me out of the ticket and sometimes out of RMS 2
-Bird on loading careen makes me uncomfortable
-Downloads seem to be more difficult

IOT RMS Handheld Blogs 6/17/08
Ron: T-05

-Faster moving from screen to screen
-Easier to use
-Has less error messages
-Like new handheld it just needs a little help, better than before
-POP easier to install
-Overall easier to use.
-Very Nice

-Need a way to skip to next dealer when account doesn’t need anything and still show it has been serviced

Anonymous said...

Interstate Batteries Phoenix East Valley 4587
Karen Nechville & Rachel English

IOT RMS Handheld Blogs 6/17/08
Brandon: T-04

-Transfers screens faster
-Faster when programming adjustments (mostly)
-Pick ticket printouts

-The first adjustment of the day causes the handheld to freeze up completely
-Handheld now has more errors than ever
-Most errors kick me out of the ticket and sometimes out of RMS 2
-Bird on loading careen makes me uncomfortable
-Downloads seem to be more difficult

IOT RMS Handheld Blogs 6/17/08
Ron: T-05

-Faster moving from screen to screen
-Easier to use
-Has less error messages
-Like new handheld it just needs a little help, better than before
-POP easier to install
-Overall easier to use.
-Very Nice

-Need a way to skip to next dealer when account doesn’t need anything and still show it has been serviced